Write for Success – Email Proofing & Grammar


Write for Success…
By letting commas help you look as smart as you really are

Most readers aren’t all that upset by an occasional mistake in punctuation or grammar in your employees’ email. After all, everyone’s busy and can ignore a once-in-a-great-while mistake (because we all make mistakes, once in a great while).

But if the mistakes continue, credibility slips away.

The problem is … who has time to look up even a few rules when writing tons of email during a busy work day? And no spell check or grammar check is 100% reliable.

So give your employees the gift of a fun review and update in Punctuation & Grammar for the 21st Century.

Your employees will love the fast-paced exercises!

And they’ll get easy tips for remembering how to:

Catch their own mistakes

so they write “Call me today” instead of “Call me toady” (True story: Two clients have asked me to call them “toady.”)

Use commas correctly

in dates … and lists … and inserted phrases … and introductory phrases … and “which” phrases

Place the correct punctuation

inside – or outside – of quotation marks

Go easy on capitalizing job titles and other business words

when in doubt, leave it out

Spot wordy phrases

and make them concise

Prevent grammatical mistakes

by avoiding structures that invite bad grammar

Write with numbers

this is tricky


Stephanie makes grammar and punctuation interesting and adds enough humor to keep things moving.
—Lisa T, Business Development Rep


Class ends with a contest and prizes for winners!

Each learner gets:

  • A printable job aid – to use during class and for reinforcement after class
  • My feedback on a post-class email or other document – for that final learning experience

Have questions? Want to talk?